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Dr. George M. Noesen

Dr. George Noesen

Dr. George M. Noesen received his B.S. degree from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota with a major in Biology. He received his D.D.S. degree from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry in 1985. After dental school he was accepted into a 1 year General Practice Residency through the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry and Hospital, and at St. Paul Regions Hospital. He received his General Practice Residency Certificate in June 1986. Dr. Noesen also served as a clinical instructor at the School of Dentistry for three years, before starting his practice in Red Wing in September 1986.

Dr. Noesen represents the SE District as a member of the Scientific Session Planning Committee. This committee is responsible for planning and producing the annual “Star of the North” Minnesota State Dental Meeting. One of the top ten meetings in the USA and Canada. To keep up to date in the changing world of dentistry, Dr. Noesen attends various continuing education courses and hands on programs throughout the year to obtain additional knowledge so he can provide his patient family with optimal dentistry. Dr. Noesen also volunteers at the Care Clinic in Red Wing and at the Good Samaritan clinic in Rochester once a month lending his talents to people in need.

Dr. Noesen’s Post Graduate Education

Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies

  • Advanced Functional Aesthetics
  • Comprehensive Aesthetic Reconstruction
  • Mastering Neuromuscular Occlusion
  • Full Mouth Reconstruction
  • Fundamentals of Scan Interpretation
  • Neuromuscular Removable Prosthodontics

Dental Education Laboratories With Dr. L. Stephen Buchanan

  • Advances of Rotary Instruments In Root Canal Therapy
  • Advanced Molar Root Canal Therapy

Center for Occlusal Studies With Dr. Jay Gerber

  • Functional Occlusion and TMJ
  • Level I and Level II Orthodontics
  • Master Sliding Mechanics
  • Advanced Diagnosis, Case Finishing, Problem Solvers

Post Graduate Dental Implant Education

  • Perio Institute
  • Nobel BioCare
  • Rocky Mountain Dental Institute

Dr. Noesen’s Professional Affiliations

  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD)
  • Academy of General Dentistry (AGD)
  • American Dental Association (ADA)
  • Minnesota Dental Association (MDA)
  • American Orthodontic Society (AOS)

State and District Dental Committees

  • Peer Review Committee: State Level and District Chairman
  • University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Continuing Dental Education Committee
Dr. Ryan Todorovich

Dr. Ryan Todorovich

Dr. Ryan Todorovich grew up in Lakeville, MN, and attended Lakeville South High School. He was very active in sports growing up, especially baseball, and his interest in dentistry began at a young age. “Whenever somebody asked what I wanted to be growing up, the answer was always dentist.” That interest in dentistry stuck and continued with Dr. Todorovich through college, where he attended the University of Minnesota Duluth and was an active participant in the university’s Pre-dental Club. After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in biology, Dr. Todorovich worked for one year as a dental lab technician before being accepted into the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry program. During his time there, he received the School of Dentistry Technical Skill Award Scholarship and graduated with honors in the spring of 2021.

Passionate About Improving the Patient Experience

Dr. Todorovich is interested in all things dentistry, but the technological advances over the recent years is what really piques his interest. He is interested in all things that improve the patient experience, improve the treatment outcome, and allow dentistry and dental health to reach as many people as possible. Outside of the office, Dr. Todorovich enjoys spending time with family, his girlfriend, and yellow lab. He enjoys all kinds of sports and staying active. In summer he enjoys spending time on the lake and going up north and in winter enjoys snowboarding and pond hockey. Dr. Todorovich chose to practice in Red Wing due to the town’s friendly, small-town feel, proximity to family, and abundance of outdoor activities that are available in the area. Dr. Todorovich is excited to begin practicing and is excited to build new, trusting relationships with his patients.

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