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Payment Options

Payment Is Due at the Time of Service

We offer several Payment Options for your convenience.


We are happy to submit your insurance for you . The portion your insurance does not cover is expected on the day of service.

Cash and Check
Health Savings Card, Flex Spending Card
Prestige In-Office Savings Plan

Our in-house insurance is a flat fee that covers cleanings, exams, x-rays and fluoride. Any treatment gets a 15% discount when you pay at the time of service.

Care Credit

Outside credit card for many types of medical services, click here to apply.

Alphaeon Credit

Credit financing provided by Alphaeon. Click here to apply.
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Credit Card

Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express.

happy woman at the beach

Dental Financing: The Key to Accessible Oral Care

Everyone should have access to high-quality dental care, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why our dental financing options are designed to make getting the treatment you need easier without worrying about the cost. By spreading the cost of treatment over some time, dental financing can help make even the most advanced procedures more affordable. This means you can receive the best care for your teeth and gums without making a significant upfront payment. With dental financing, your oral health is an investment, not an expense.

Dental Insurance: A Smart Investment in Your Dental Health

By purchasing dental insurance, you’re not just protecting your dental health – you’re also safeguarding your financial health. It’s a proactive way to ensure you can always afford the dental care you need. Investing in dental insurance can provide numerous benefits, such as:

Preventive Care

Most dental insurance plans cover 100% of the cost of preventive care, such as regular cleanings and check-ups. This encourages good oral hygiene and can help prevent more serious and expensive dental problems.

Coverage for a Wide Range of Procedures

From fillings and crowns to root canals and oral surgery, dental insurance can help cover the cost of a wide range of procedures.

Your Path to Great Dental Health Starts Here

We’re committed to helping you achieve and maintain excellent dental health. Every patient’s financial situation is unique, so we offer various financing and insurance options to fit your needs. Don’t let financial concerns stand in the way of your oral health. Call our Red Wing, MN office today to learn more about our dental financing and insurance options. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to help you navigate your options and find a solution that works for you. Together, we can make oral care more accessible and affordable. Take the first step towards a healthier smile – contact us today.

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Beautiful Smiles Start Here