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Meet Our Staff




Appointment Coordinator

Claire grew up in Chisago City, MN and attended Chisago Lakes High School, where she enjoyed playing volleyball and spending most of her summers on her parents’ lake! After high school, Claire attended Bethel University and graduated with a degree in English: Literature and Writing. Even though she did not grow up in the Red Wing community, she has many family members that live in Red Wing and other neighboring cities. She has spent a lot of time here in her childhood and absolutely loves the area…and the people in it!
Claire loves spending her free time with her husband, family, friends, and our dog Cooper! She also loves to read and travel- exploring new places and new opportunities! Lastly, one of her favorite things to do in the fall and winter seasons is watching her favorite football team, the MN Vikings. From a young age, Claire has always wanted to be an active servant of the community she lives in and cannot wait to continue to do that here!



Billing Coordinator

Melissa brings her spunky flair and vivacious attitude to Noesen & Associates. As the Billing and Administrative Assistant, Melisssa assists our Office Manager on a daily basis to tackle the tedious task of allocating payments from insurance and distributing any invoices to patients as needed. Her pleasant demeanor helps to ease patient stress when dealing with any financial questions or needs.
When not at Noesen & Associates, Melissa also works with her husband, Brady, at Lawrence Realty here in Red Wing. Although she keeps busy working two jobs, in her free time Melissa enjoys spending time with Brady, her sons Ian and Brennen and their wives, as well as her stepdaughter Alexus. She also has a special spot in her heart for her Mini-Aussie granddog, Potato.

Dental Hygienists



Registered Dental Hygienist

DeeAnn, or "Dee" as we call her, has been a registered dental hygienist since 2005. Dee earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Concordia University in St. Paul. Her career began, working in Human Resources at Lutheran Brotherhood, now known as Thrivent Financial. She worked in the corporate world for nearly five years, then opted to return to school to train as a dental hygienist. She obtained her A.S. from Normandale Community college in Bloomington.
Dee and her husband, Mark, ventured to the southeastern part of Minnesota in 2007. They enjoy cycling, especially road bicycles, hiking, cooking, and traveling. They don't sit still long and are always planning their next adventure!



Registered Dental Hygienist

Jenny joined our practice in 2021 and has been practicing dental hygiene since 2005. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Biology from St. Mary's University in 2003 and her A.A.S. in Dental Hygiene from RCTC in 2005. Jenny not only brings her wit and great sense of humor to the office, but she also provides optimal and gentle care to our patients. She believes in providing patients with education and technique in an uncomplicated manner, so they can easily understand the importance of oral hygiene.
Jenny lives in Haycreek with her husband and two kids. When not helping our patients reach their optimum oral health, Jenny enjoys spending time with family, reading, and planning the next family vacation. Jenny loves all things Disney but especially traveling to Disney World!



Registered Dental Hygienist

Mandy is a Registered Dental Hygienist and graduated from Rochester Community College in 2005. She is patient-focused and driven to provide a personalized experience and quality care. Mandy enjoys getting to know her patients and building long-term relationships with them. Her priority is to help each patient achieve optimal oral health and educating them on the importance of their overall health.
Mandy grew up locally and still resides in Red Wing with her husband Brian and their 3 children, Jase and twins Maclynn & Camden. She enjoys quality time with her family and spending time camping, boating, 4wheeling and other outdoor activities.

Dental Assistant



Dental Assistant

Kristin has worked in the dental field since 2015 and has worked in a variety of fields, including: oral surgery, orthodontics, and, presently, general dentistry. She loves working with people and assisting them in reaching their dental health goals.
In her spare time, Kristin loves spending time with her children, camping, fishing and helping her husband with his construction business.



Dental Assistant

Missy graduated from Dakota County Tech College with a degree in Dental Assisting. She has worked in the field for over 26 years! She enjoys working with patients of all ages, always willing to answer questions and explain. Missy and her husband have three children that keep them busy going to activities. She enjoys spending time on the river or any opportunity she has to be outside. Missy enjoys traveling when she gets a chance and spending time with family and friends. Her years of service here at Noesen & Associates have gone unmatched and she has been an integral part of the clinical team!



Dental Assistant

While small and petite, our mighty assistant, Maggie, brings a big personality and an even bigger smile to the Noesen family. She is a Florida native and relocated to Minnesota in February 2024. Maggie also has 30 years of experience in the dental field, having worked in multiple fields of dentistry, which has included: implant placement, bone and gum grafting, and full mouth reconstruction. Patient experience is her priority, and she puts in extra effort to ensure the highest level of comfort and confidence with every patient she interacts with.

When she is not working at the office, Maggie enjoys spending time outdoors, traveling, spending time with her family, and exploring all of what Minnesota has to offer.

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