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Protective Oral Cancer Screenings in Red Wing, MN

Oral cancer is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition, but early detection can significantly improve patient outcomes. As a crucial part of comprehensive oral health, Noesen and Associates offers oral cancer screenings in Red Wing, MN to help identify signs of cancer at its earliest, most treatable stage. Reach out to our staff today and get your consultation scheduled with our professional staff.

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Why Are Oral Cancer Screenings Important?

Oral cancer screenings play a crucial role in maintaining optimal oral health. They are essential to early detection and treatment of oral cancer, which can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment. Regular screenings can help identify oral cancer before symptoms even appear, which can lead to more effective treatment options.

Besides early detection, these screenings can promote awareness about oral cancer and its risks. They can provide an opportunity for individuals to discuss habits and lifestyle choices that can reduce their risk of oral cancer with their dentists.

What Is an Oral Cancer Screening?

An oral cancer screening is a preventive measure conducted by dentists to check for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in your mouth. The goal is to identify oral cancer early when there’s a greater chance of cure. Your dentist can perform an oral cancer screening during a routine dental exam. Here are the steps typically involved in the process:

Visual Examination

Your dentist will start by visually examining your mouth to check for abnormalities. This includes the inside of your lips and cheeks, gums, tongue, throat, and the roof and floor of your mouth.

Physical Examination

The dentist will then feel the tissues in your mouth to detect any lumps or abnormalities. They may also examine your throat and neck for unusual lumps.

Additional Tests

In some cases, dentists may use unique lights, dyes, or other technologies to detect abnormal cells better.

Protect Your Oral Health With Noesen and Associates

Your oral health is crucial for overall well-being. At Noesen and Associates, we prioritize comprehensive dental care, including oral cancer screenings in Red Wing, MN. Early detection is vital in successfully treating oral cancer. Choose peace of mind with Noesen and Associates. Schedule an appointment with our experienced team for a dental check-up or if you have concerns about changes in your mouth.

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