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Our Dentist in Red Wing, MN Will See You Now!

We warmly welcome all new patients visiting Noesen and Associates, your reliable dentist in Red Wing, MN. We are excited to meet you and help you achieve a healthy, vibrant smile you can be proud to flash in photos and in public. You are covered in routine check-ups, cosmetic treatments, emergency care, and specialized services. Our experienced dentists use the latest dental technology and techniques to deliver the best possible care.

happy woman smiling

Consistent Dentist: Key to Oral Care

Choosing a consistent dentist for your family in Red Wing, MN is essential to maintaining optimal oral health. Regular visits to the same dentist can lead to better dental care since it allows us to keep track of your oral health history. We can spot potential issues early and suggest preventive measures, ensuring a healthy smile for you and your loved ones. At Noesen and Associates, we are committed to delivering personalized dental services that cater to the unique needs of each family member.

happy man at dentist

Comprehensive Dental Services at Noesen and Associates

We pride ourselves on providing a comprehensive range of dental services to address all your oral health requirements. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to delivering high-level care, including preventive treatments, restorative procedures, and cosmetic enhancements. Discover how we can help you achieve a healthy and radiant smile:

  • General Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Emergency Dentistry
  • Orthodontic Dentistry
  • Sedation Dentistry
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontics
  • Oral Surgery
  • TMJ
  • Sleep Apnea

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

We invite you to join our Noesen and Associates family and start your journey towards a healthier, brighter smile. No matter your age or oral health status, we are here to provide exceptional dental care tailored to your specific needs. Don’t delay your oral health any longer. Call us today to schedule your initial consultation with our friendly and professional team. Together, let’s achieve the healthy smile you’ve always wanted.

Noesen Dental Cancellation Policy

Appointments made at our office with either the dentist or hygienist are reserved exclusively for you. If you need to change or cancel an appointment, we would appreciate the courtesy of being informed at least 48 hours in advance. Please call our office at 651-327-0904.

We understand that on occasion life happens and cancellations are necessary. Without adequate time to fill that appointment with another patient, however, the staff and time are not properly utilized and our overhead for that time slot still occurs. Therefore, without at least a 48 hour notice of an appointment change, you will be charged a $50 broken appointment/last minute cancellation fee.

We would, of course, prefer never to make such a charge, so please honor your appointments and be sure to schedule a time that you know will work for your schedule.

Request an Appointment

  • I understand that Protected Health Information (PHI) or sensitive information should not be included in this message.

Beautiful Smiles Start Here