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Advanced Dental Technology in Red Wing, MN

We believe in providing the best for our Noesen and Associates patients in Red Wing, MN, which is why cutting-edge technology is an essential component of our dental care. We’ve integrated some of the industry’s most advanced tools and equipment into our processes for less invasive and more effective procedures. Our investment in technology ensures you receive the safest, most accurate, and comfortable treatment available.

happy woman at dentist

i-CAT Cone Beam Dental Imaging

Our i-CAT Cone Beam Dental Imaging system offers high-quality 3D images of your teeth and jaw with significantly reduced radiation exposure. This advanced imaging technology allows us to diagnose complex dental issues with unparalleled precision, making your treatment both safer and more effective.

IRIS USB 2.0 Intraoral Camera

Our IRIS USB 2.0 Intraoral Camera captures high-definition images of your mouth, providing a clear view of your dental health. These images give us deeper insight, enabling us to explain conditions and treatments to you more effectively. This knowledge ensures you make informed decisions about your dental care.

Myotronics K-7 Computerized Jaw Measurement

The Myotronics K-7 system is a sophisticated tool for diagnosing and treating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. By providing detailed measurements of your jaw’s movement and function, we can develop a more effective treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Rotary Endodontics

Rotary endodontics is an advanced method of root canal treatment. By utilizing electrically powered instruments, we can perform root canals with greater precision and efficiency, resulting in less discomfort and faster recovery.

3Shape Digital Intraoral Scanner

The 3Shape Digital Intraoral Scanner is a state-of-the-art tool that captures detailed digital impressions of your teeth. This technology eliminates the need for traditional molds, which can be messy, and provides a more comfortable experience while ensuring highly accurate results for restorations and other treatments.

Digital Dental Charting by Eaglesoft

Eaglesoft’s digital dental charting streamlines our record-keeping process, ensuring your dental information is up-to-date and easily accessible. This system allows for quick and accurate charting, helping us to provide you with the best care possible and accuracy where it counts the most.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Noesen and Associates in Red Wing, MN is committed to providing you with the highest standard of care through our advanced dental technology. Experience the benefits of modern dentistry and take a step towards better dental health by scheduling your appointment today. See how our innovative tools can enhance your smile and overall well-being.

happy man at dentist

What Is the LightWalker Dental Laser?

The LightWalker Dental Laser represents a significant leap in dental technology and is a must for dental professionals and patients who want perfection. Since its introduction, this laser system has garnered industry acclaim and technology innovation awards. At the heart of its success is the patented QSP (Quantum Square Pulse) mode, which optimizes the laser’s interaction with dental tissues for enhanced patient comfort and superior clinical outcomes.

elder couple smiling

How the LightWalker Dental Laser Works

Like other lasers used in medical procedures, this technology emits concentrated energy in the form of a narrow pulsed light beam. Each pulse vaporizes a specific number of cell layers within its circumference, giving us precise control over the procedure, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues, and enhancing overall treatment accuracy.

One of the unique aspects of this laser is its ability to function as a surgical instrument without many of the unwanted side effects associated with traditional surgery. The laser not only stops bleeding but also seals lymphatic and nerve endings, thereby reducing inflammation and discomfort post-surgery.

Benefits of Using LightWalker Dental Laser Technology

Our use of this technology in certain procedures comes with numerous benefits, including:

  • Minimally invasive treatments with reduced need for anesthesia
  • Quicker recovery times and minimal post-operative pain
  • Precision and accuracy in the treatment area
  • Suitable for a variety of procedures
  • Reduced infection risk
  • A more comfortable and efficient process overall

Procedures Enhanced by LightWalker Dental Laser

Hailed as the world’s fastest-cutting Erbium laser, the LightWalker outperforms traditional rotary burs in both speed and precision. It is exceptionally versatile and capable of handling a wide range of hard- and soft-tissue treatments with remarkable effectiveness, such as:

  • Precise cavity removal and tooth preparation
  • Effective root canal treatments
  • Improved implant procedures
  • Advanced periodontal treatments
  • Accurate and minimally invasive soft tissue surgeries

Experience the Future of Dental Care

At Noesen and Associates in Red Wing, MN, we believe in offering our patients the best care possible. The LightWalker Dental Laser is a testament to that commitment, providing a safer, more comfortable, and highly effective treatment option. Contact our office to schedule an appointment for your dental needs.

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